Wednesday November 17th, 2011
- SHR and a great visit with the morning crew! One lady, who just started treatment, said "I expected to come down those stairs and see a bunch of quite people, lost in their own thoughts, sort of feeling sorry for ourselves but instead every morning everyone is smiling. Everyone is so happy to see each other! I actually look forward to coming!" She and her very sweet husband drive a little over an hour each way - five days a week. Her cancer is located in her nose. It still wrinkles up when she smiles.
- We ate breakfast (Ran’s stuck on Cheerio’s at the moment) and then bundled up for a walk before heading back to IUHMC. We walked the same path Ran had taken on Monday. He couldn't wait to show me the houses. So, down to the river and then up the hill we went – passing very unique homes on the right that overlook the water. Most, very Frank Lloyd Wright in their architectural style. Our favorite was the same. "The leaves on the trees are falling to the sounds of the breezes that blow". . . today that breeze is a rock band and I have a feeling the trees will be bare by the end of the week.
- We packed our bags for the evening. We were off to meet the new lady in Ran’s life, Peggy 2 Peg Tube. We checked in and met with Dr. Cullem, who would be inserting Peggy 2. Very calm, approachable, and positive. I was given a pager and shown where to wait. The procedure only took about 30 minutes. We were joking earlier in the day - making guesses about how they know where to insert the tube. I said they probably stick a light down your throat and wherever it glows is where they cut. I swear. . .that is what they actually do!!
- The Peg Tube, otherwise known as a feeding tube, was placed for precautionary reasons only. This is not a mandatory part of treatment but everything that we've read explained the positive aspects! Ran likes to think of Peggy 2 as his back-up parachute - she's there when he needs her! The hard part about losing your appetite is just looking at food. The site of food is almost worse then the actual eating. Using Peggy 2 will allow Ran to be in complete control of his diet instead of it controlling him. He is still able to eat (whatever he wants - whenever he wants) and is actually encouraged to continue to drink and use his throat muscles for as long as possible.
- Once I was beeped I was able to go back and be with Ran as he "woke up". One of the Docs that was with him told me he was the most polite patient she has ever had. From the beginning he was very agreeable and every time they would explain what they were going to do next he would say "Ok, yes ma'am, thank you." "Thank you." Thank you." He kept saying it throughout the entire surgery!
- There is nothing like being seen through the eyes of the love of your life as they come out of a drug induced state! Ran's eyes always look the same. He makes contact with mine and then his mind makes contact and his eyes smile before his mouth does and he holds his hand up for me to touch and says "Hey Margie, how are you?" Always thinking about how someone else feels first.
- Favorite after surgery quote: "I love drugs. They just cut a hole in my stomach and I can't even feel it!"
- An up and down evening - loud rude roommate - a little fever - a little nausea - came out of it though with the help of a wonderful night crew (Nicole and Sara), a glass of sprite and three Popsicles. Thursday morning now, went straight to SHR after being discharged and then back to the HL to spend the day catching up on sleep and work. Miso soup sounded god for dinner so we found a place, shared some edamame, fried rice for Ran and Sushi for me. He didn't have a great appetite but didn't feel bad. Ate what he could and that's the new way of our world.
Friday November 18th, 2011
- We were determined to be outside today. Ran woke up feeling great! We headed out the door to go watch Regis on his last day of the show with the morning crew at SHR. Checked in with Peggy (told her about her new namesake, no weight loss or gain this week (for either of us!) :), saw Dr. Sun and her famous flashlight, and were free for the next few days!
- We spent the entire day going from one thrift store to the next antique shop is search of the perfect chair for Randy's dream reading nook. No luck finding a chair but it was a wonderful day. Our last stops were in Mount Vernon (every state's got one) which is about 20 miles from Iowa City. Beautiful farm land with rolling hills the entire way. Home of a very old and ornate Cornell College.
Saturday November 19th, 2011
- We did very little today. Spent the morning working online and then Ran took a nap while cozied up in front of the fire watching college ball. When it hits him it hits and he has to rest. We only left to go to a movie - we chose the funny one- and then hung out in the bookstore for a bit afterwards. You've gotta love a book store - stimulates conversation from one extreme to another! The weather has changed considerably throughout the day, the wind picked up and the temp has dropped. It's going to be another cold night in IA.